Ext2Fsd 0.52 was released !

Features implemented and bugfix since V0.51:
1, Feature: Windows 8 supported
2, Feature: Force-writing supported
3, FIXME: data loss with TeraCopy when moving directories
4, FIXME: ATTO Disk Benchnmark fails with direct i/o tests
5, FIXME: files become invisible with empty hidden pattens
6, FIXME: possible hang with concurrent access attempts
          upon the same file
7, FIXME: BSOD due to pagable code section
Supported Ext3/4 features by 0.52:
1, flexible inode size: > 128 bytes, up to block size
2, dir_index:    htree directory index
3, filetype:     extra file mode in dentry
4, large_file:   > 4G files supported
5, sparse_super: super block backup in group descriptor
6, uninit_bg:    fast fsck and group checksum
7, extent:       reading, writing with no extending.
8, journal:      only support replay for internal journal
9, flex_bg:      first flexible metadata group
Unsupported Ext3/4 features:
1, journal: log-based operations, external journal
2, extent: size truncating & expanding, file deletion
3, EA (extended attributes), ACL support
4, symlink creation
Features to be implemented in future:
1, EXT3/4 features support (extents, journal)
2, Documents improvement: clear and elaborate
3, Performance improvement, code optimization
4, Automatic check & update of new versions
5, LVM support, e2fsprogs porting for Windows
Files descriptions:
Ext2Fsd-0.52.exe:       setup wizard for Windows systems (Win2k, Winxp,
                        Vista, Win7, Win8, Server 2003, Server 2008/R2)
Ext2Fsd-0.52.7z:        Batch setup package in 7-zip
Ext2Fsd-0.52.zip:       Batch setup package in zip
Ext2Fsd-0.52.src.7z:    Source codes of Ext3Fsd and Ext2Mgr in 7-zip
Ext2Fsd-0.52.src.zip:   Source codes of Ext3Fsd and Ext2Mgr in zip
Download link:
Files checksum:
C:\Works\Ext2fsd\0.52>sha1sum Ext2Fsd-0.52*
8921c8a8bc57e46f8775836359d8868437e8e857 *Ext2Fsd-0.52.7z
5a83af60fc2773feacb241dd68532075f6a74f1e *Ext2Fsd-0.52.exe
0fba60af536ca8edd0c7951433a6916ab4f0042b *Ext2Fsd-0.52.src.7z
0eed9235a845449e5e3d0fa0139182a78c2ecfb0 *Ext2Fsd-0.52.src.zip
d4d1a416409645dc27a328bf1acd44ebd669f671 *Ext2Fsd-0.52.zip
The driver may crash your system and ruin your data unexpectedly,
since there might be software conflicts and I could only test it
on some of the popular platforms. You should use it with care and
use it at your own risk!
Matt <mattwu@163.com>

Ext2Fsd 0.51



1, FIXME: Data corruption issue, especially for multiple-thread
   writing on XP system
2, FIXME: Set ValidDataLength only for FileEndOfFileInformation
   w/ AdvanceOnly   
3, Support writing to ext4 volumes w/ flex_bg
4, Code cleanup and enhancement for global/volume property settings


离开Oracle有几天了,但并没有闲下来,一直在忙Ext2Fsd hash-tree directory indexing的实现。代码工作已基本完成,简单的测试只在laptop里的虚拟机里做过,但后面的测试才是真正让人皱眉的事情。

从xp到vista再到win7,无论32位还是64位,所有系统上都要做个测试才行。我所有的虚拟机都跑在Dell T7500工作站上,但工作站已于上周二还给公司了,所以还要将所用数据迁移到另外一个系统上来。这个周末差不多全耗在这个上面了。当初打算好的目标机器出现了个新问题,主板一通电就自动开机,关机时系统只会重启。电源问题好像是ASUS的诟病,遇到这个问题的人还真不少。这是个AMD双核系统,主板是很老的M2N4-SLI,内存已升至8G,跑几个虚拟机还是没问题的。一直纠结在换个烧包的  i7或6核的AMD还是买个新主板接着装老酒的选择上,但最后还是决定买MSI的KA790GX-M替换老的M2N4主板,旧U及老DDR2接着用。几番折腾,搞定系统。又重新接好AVR m8 (我的电源控制系统),这样可以远程控制电源了。顺代将我的小P3 Server的系统盘换了,原来的是有坏道的40G 2.5寸盘,还是03年买的呢,用到现在还挺好,但空间不够了。现在换成了120G的。Linux的resize2fs真好使,为什么Windows总要依赖于第三方的支持?!
