
邮箱: m @ dynox . cn (去掉空格就行) 微信/WeChat: matt__wu

7 条评论

  1. 你好,很感谢你的extfsd,但是我想报告个问题,这个问题我上次用电子邮件报告过,但是没有回应

    我从一个用户角度看,你的extfsd 5.0 5.1 等版本可能存在什么bug,我用 extfsd 4.8 可以很正常访问我的ext3分区,但是 5.x版本就存在问题。

    具体来说,是我玩帝国3这个游戏,游戏文件在 ext3分区,我用4.8的时候玩游戏和别人联网打很正常,但是 5.x后,很多时候出现无法和别人联机打游戏,游戏提示是 crc不符,这个的含义可以理解为游戏程序从ext3分区读取的文件出现错误,才会报告这个。而且我可以确定,每当出现这种情况,我重启电脑进入linux系统,系统会自动检查磁盘,说一个分区存在错误。当然,我在windows下对ext3分区是只读的。


  2. Hello Matt,

    my name is Jens. I want to follow your blog, about some driver development articles. But you’ve written all posts in Chinese. Can you switch to English please?

    Best regards

  3. Hi there,

    I am writing to see if you could update ext2fsd to work with Windows 8.

    It is the only software available that allows running and opening files direct within windows explorer.

    With Windows 8 that functionality is broken and it is a real pain in the ass…

    I hope you can or if you can pass this on to the appropriate person for me?

    Kind Regards,

  4. 你好!
    我通过你的软件(Ext2Fsd)在windows里面生成 linux compact flash 的sha1 signature.
    我在Linux里面可以用这个命令行: sha1sum /dev/sdb

    请问这样做可行吗? 怎么做?要调那个api?


  5. Hello, thank’s for ext2fsd!

    I’m rescued some Tb of friends data after crush.
    Native os, and some VM and livecd’s for that ext2 partition won’t copy files to another hdd – file system had some corruptions after become “RAW” and recover it by testdisk and etc. So, I have to copy that data under win7 as walk around – successfully.

    can’t post nothing to sourceforge –
    So, I found little bug (ouch, .52… may be 53 ok?) – win7sp1++ on ext2 disk, right click, properties, pie-chart shows me some interesting – empty space and occupied space on the disk is reversed, not on right place, and legeng for values also.

    bad english, sorry!

  6. 大神好,请问 ext3fsd 在最新版 win 10 上无法读取 ext4 分区的 bug 说明时候能修复呢?不是催更哈,只是想询问下,谢谢了


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